8 Common Errors for Employers to Avoid

ErrorsEmployer errors to avoid. Employment laws are written to ensure the safety and fair treatment of everyone in the workplace. When employers fudge their policies, it can open them up to potential lawsuits, and experienced legal assistance will be needed. Here are some key errors every employer should avoid:

  • Improper employee classification: Just because an employer wants to list everyone as exempt, it does not make them so. Only high-level administrators or professionals generally qualify for this classification; everyone else is entitled to rest and meal breaks, as well as overtime pay. Failure to pay overtime is a key issue that lands employers in court.
  • Independent contractor classification errors: Not anyone can be an independent contractor.  This classification is determined based on who holds the decision-making power as to how the work is performed. Additionally, consideration is given to the degree to which the person’s work is integral to the daily business of the company. Someone who paints the office is an independent contractor. Someone who contributes to the product your company sells is an employee.
  • Neglecting to train supervisors about harassment or discrimination: If you have 50+ employees, there is a legal requirement to provide sexual harassment training every two years.  Even if you have fewer employees, providing such training reduces your exposure in the event of a lawsuit.
  • Terminating employees who take leaves of absence: Employers are legally required to provide leave for a number of life events, including military leave, pregnancy, family and medical leave, disability, and others. Employees are entitled to return to their positions, or an equivalent position, following leave.
  • Insisting on non-compete agreements: Sorry, these are prohibited in California, except in very limited circumstances. You cannot force someone to stay with your company or restrict their ability to work elsewhere.
  • Eliminating vacation days that are not used: Employees in California are allowed to accrue vacation days with the expectation that they will be paid out at the time of termination at the current salary rate. Although accrual may be reasonably limited, it cannot be eliminated altogether.
  • Deducting unauthorized amounts from paychecks: California law provides for withholding taxes, insurance, wage garnishments, child support orders, and other specific items. It is unlawful to require loan repayments to the company through deductions.
  • Withholding a paycheck if an employee has not returned company property: Let us say an employee is terminated, yet still has possession of company property such as a cellphone, tools, or other items. Employers are not justified in hanging onto that employee’s final check.  California law requires a final check to be available within 72 hours of termination. You will have to pursue the return of your property in another way.

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California Fires: When Natural Disasters Impact Your Ability to Return to Work

california firesCalifornia fires have had a disastrous effect on natural structures and communities. In addition to the many homes that have been devastated, businesses have been destroyed as well, leaving many Californians without jobs. If you are one of the many residents of this state who have lost not only a home, but your livelihood, you may be wondering what the obligations of your employer are in terms of salary and leave during this fire disaster.

California Fires and Wage Laws

Under California law, when a natural disaster occurs, employers must pay reporting time pay as per the Wage Order. This means that as employees are scheduled to return to work and they show up ready to work, but are not able to be put to work, or are allowed less than half of their usual work hours, they must be paid half their usual wage. At a minimum, they must be paid for two hours of work at their normal rate of pay. So if, for example, an employee works one hour out of an eight-hour shift, payment for four hours is required. However, if the employee chooses to leave early, this requirement becomes null. If the employee leaves early due to illness, the company’s sick leave policy would then potentially come into play.

When employees are required to attend meetings on days in which they normally do not work, they may be entitled to anywhere from two to four hours of regular pay.

California Fires and Exceptions to Reporting Time Pay

There are certain circumstances under which employers are not expected to pay overtime pay:

  • When persons or property are threatened and authorities determine that work may not begin or continue;
  • When public utilities such as electricity, water, gas or sewer are inoperable;
  • When the problem that caused the work disruption is an Act of God, such as an earthquake.

When Employers do Not Pay Reporting Time Pay as Required

Employees are protected by California law and must be paid under the circumstances described. When employers fail to meet their obligations, individuals may file a wage claim with the Labor Commissioner’s Office, or they may sue their employer to recover lost reporting time pay owed to them.

California Fires – What if Employers Retaliate?

Federal law prohibits discrimination or retaliation against employees for attempting to collect owed monies. If an individual experiences these types of issues, or is fired altogether, it is yet another reason to file a lawsuit against the errant employer. [Read more…]

Office Party that Will Not Lead to Lawsuits

office partyAfter a year of hard work and decent profits, many companies celebrate in December with a holiday office party. Unfortunately, sometimes an office party can bring out the worst in employees and their bosses. If your office festivities take an ugly turn, what are possible consequences? A local employment attorney can answer this question.

Office Party – Questions Managers Should Consider

To minimize the possibility of ugly scenes, managers and party planners should consider some key questions:

  • Should alcohol be served? If so, will there be limits?
  • Will the company provide safe transportation home after the festivities?
  • How can you avoid discrimination issues with Christmas parties?
  • Can employee behavior at a company party result in termination? If so, on what grounds?
  • Can pictures of the party be posted on social media after the event?

Avoiding Legal Issues

Clearly, circumstances differ for every business. Experts suggest that alcohol-related problems can be avoided by holding a breakfast or lunch party. If you really want an evening event, consider these guidelines to avoid legal liability after your gathering:

  • Refer to the event as a Winter Celebration or even a Holiday Party, not a Christmas party.
  • Avoid “open bars.” Instead, opt for a cash bar or provide a limited number of tickets to be exchanged for drinks.
  • Advise professional bartenders to check I.D. and report individuals who seem to have over-imbibed.
  • Provide rides home, or hotel rooms, for inebriated partiers.
  • Serve plenty of food, especially if alcohol is on the premises.
  • Invite the employees’ spouses or significant others. It tends to keep people on their best behavior.
  • Advise everyone in writing that workplace conduct standards remain in place at the party. The upshot of inappropriate behavior or misconduct will be disciplinary action.
  • Have a written policy related to social media and privacy issues;
  • Avoid exchanges of gag-gifts or white elephant gifts. There is too great a possibility of sexual harassment issues.
  • Do not hang mistletoe. You are just asking for problems with it!
  • Remind managers to keep an eye on things and make sure questionable behaviors are nipped before they become problematic.

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Factory Closings Leaving Workers Unemployed

factory closingsFactory closings or mass layoffs? Are you a factory worker who showed up to work one day only to be pink slipped on the spot because the factory shut down? Be advised that there are both state and federal protections for workers just like you. A local employment attorney can help you to understand your rights and ensure that you receive the protections to which you are entitled. When those protections are denied, you may find recourse in the courts.

Factory Closings and The Federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act

The federal WARN Act has been around since 1989, and requires employers to give workers a minimum of 60 days written notice prior to a covered plant closing or major layoff. Notice must be given directly to impacted workers or to their union representatives.

Factory Closings and What Constitutes a Covered Plant?

WARN regulations apply to businesses that employ 100 employees or more, not including those who work less than 20 hours per week or temporary employees who have worked less then half of the previous year.  These expectations apply to public and private employers, as well as non-profits and quasi-public employers. Exemptions are allowed when temporary plants are closed, or when workers were hired with the understanding that the job was temporary and factory closings are due to a specific project being completed. Also excepted are local, state, and federal entities that provide public services. When layoffs, relocation of more than 100 miles, or a plant closing affects one-third of the workforce and that number includes 50 or more workers, notice must be provided.

Three other exceptions exist:

  • Faltering Company: When a company is seeking capital or new business to stay open, and notice would eliminate or drastically limit opportunities;
  • Unforeseen Circumstances: When circumstances surrounding the business have changed dramatically and were not reasonably foreseeable;
  • Natural Disaster: When a natural disaster such as an earthquake leads to the closing or layoff.

California’s WARN Act is Even More Strict

For California workers, state regulations are even tighter. Companies with at least 75 employees, either part- or full-time, are included as covered employers. When a business closes or significantly reduces operations in such a way that 50 or more workers are impacted over a 30-day window, employees must be notified.

Penalties for Non-compliance

Employers who fail to comply with WARN Act regulations face several penalties:

  • Civil fines of up to $500 per day for federal violations;
  • Civil fines of up to $500 per day for state violations;
  • Back pay for each day of WARN violations;
  • Attorney’s fees.

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Apprenticeship Plans

ApprenticeshipLet’s say you are involved in one of the many apprenticeship programs in one of the trade industries so prominent in California, but you are uneasy with the administration of the finances related to your retirement plan. Or perhaps you are new to the administration team in charge of an apprenticeship program, and are unsure of your responsibilities. What are your options? Only a good labor attorney familiar with your circumstances can tell you for sure, but you should know that the federal government does have oversight of apprenticeship programs and policies.

Fitzgerald Act Guidelines

The US Department of Labor has a guardianship role for apprentices. The Fitzgerald Act was established to ensure equity when it comes to access to apprenticeship programs, as well as to provide information relating to integrated employment and training.

Some of these programs involve private sector workers who are financed through trust funds. Through the power of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA), the Employee Benefits Security Administration helps to oversee them, as well. Because labor/management apprenticeship committee expenses must come out of money in a separate fund according to the Labor-Management Relations Act, ERISA regulations cover collectively bargained apprenticeship programs, as well.

What is Legally Required of a Retirement Savings Plan Associated with an Apprenticeship Program?

The law provides specific expectations related these plans:

  • There must be a written plan proving for a minimum of one official authorized to administer the plan;
  • There must be a trust established to hold any assets associated with the plan;
  • Documentation must be shared with employee participants, as well as with the government.

ERISA Standards

What does ERISA do? It determines standards of conduct for managers involved in benefit plans and assets, including several specific functions:

  • Fiduciary responsibilities;
  • Reporting to the government;
  • Sharing information with workers who participate in those plans;
  • Travel and credit card reimbursement for managers;
  • Bonding to protect against fraudulent acts.

Apprenticeship Programs – What is Expected of a Fiduciary?

Clear rules guide fiduciary behaviors:

  • Each action must be made exclusively in the best interests of employee participants and their beneficiaries.
  • Every duty must be performed with prudence.
  • All reasonable plan expenses must be paid and plans followed according to law.
  • Third-party service providers should be monitored and reviewed regularly, which changes considered when necessary.

What Actions are Prohibited?

Certain transactions are not allowed, including:

  • Sales, exchanges, or leases between the party in interest and the plan;
  • Extending credit or loans from the plan to a party in interest;
  • Providing facilities, goods, or services from the plan to a party interest.

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Standing up to Racial Discrimination

discriminationWhen a black, female Chipotle employee confronted her manager about being assigned night shifts with fellow black employees, while Latino workers were given more preferable day shifts, her manager had a troubling comeback. “Black girls always have an attitude.” The worker then complained to a district manager, who brushed her aside. According to records, the employee was then fired without being given any explanation. She did not take it sitting down. Instead, she marched into court and filed a lawsuit alleging racial discrimination, wrongful termination, failure to prevent harassment, and retaliation. If you are facing racial discrimination in the workplace, you may wish to consult an attorney and take legal action, as well.

Racial Discrimination is Real

Although some may try to deny it, statistics indicate that racial discrimination is alive and well in this country. Wage gaps are one of the clearest markers of this:

  • Median hourly earnings for men of color lag behind those of white men by six to seven dollars;
  • The wage gap separating black and Hispanic men and white men has not narrowed since 1980;
  • Black men earn 73% of what white men earn;
  • Hispanic men earn 71% of what white men earn;
  • Even with a bachelor’s degree, men of color earn 80% of what white men earn.

It is no wonder that just over 20% of black adults and just under 20% of Hispanics report that they have experienced unfair or discriminatory actions in hiring, promotion or pay in the past year.  Meanwhile, while 5% of white adults say their race makes success difficult, that number is 40% for blacks and 20% of Hispanics.

What Does Racial Discrimination Look Like?

Racial discrimination can rear its ugly head in a number of ways. Some examples you may encounter include:

  • You are not hired because a company’s clients would not be working with someone of your race, or you are kept in the background so customers will not be exposed to someone of your race;
  • You are laid off, while white employees with similar skills and less seniority are kept on;
  • White employees with similar positions and experience are paid more than you;
  • Whites are assigned preferential shifts or territories while you are given unfavorable ones;
  • Colleagues tell racially offensive jokes, use racial slurs casually, or in other ways create a hostile work environment and management does not deal with the situation.

Remedies for Racial Discrimination

If you experience race discrimination at work, you should know that Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964 protects people from such workplace violations. At Beck Law P.C., we do not tolerate excuses. We seek justice for those treated unfairly. That may include:

  • Back pay and/or reinstatement following a lay-off or firing;
  • Hiring when you were denied such due to race;
  • Promotions you did not get due to race;
  • Compensatory damages for pain and suffering;
  • Punitive damages
  • Attorney’s fees
  • Court costs

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Disabled Employees Rights

Disabled EmployeesDisabled employees facing discrimination. If you or a loved one has experienced workplace discrimination due to a disability, it is indefensible. When one employee with emphysema, asthma, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) requested accommodations in order to complete necessary tasks on the job, the company responded by discharging that employee. That act of dismissal has resulted in a lawsuit against that San Francisco company, InsideUp. If you have experienced workplace discrimination due to a disability, a local employment attorney may be able to help.

Disabled Employees and Federal ADA Regulations

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) protects the civil rights of people with disabilities.  The law addresses all aspects of public life, ranging from school and employment to transportation and dining out. Essentially, the law ensures that people with disabilities have the same opportunities and rights as people without disabilities. Title I of the ADA deals specifically with employment.

Employment Opportunities

This piece of the ADA calls for employers to provide opportunities and benefits to people with disabilities that are equivalent to the opportunities and benefits of their non-disabled counterparts. Additionally, reasonable accommodations and/or modifications must be provided to employees when essential to help the employee perform necessary functions of the job.

Disabled Employees and Reasonable Accommodations

Specific accommodations should be designed around individual circumstances in the workplace.  Examples of sensible accommodations include:

  • Adapting facilities to make them accessible for all employees;
  • Restructuring job requirements so as to provide opportunities for employees who might otherwise be limited by a disability;
  • Procuring specialized equipment or modifying existing equipment as needed;
  • Adapting tests, policies, or materials used in training employees;
  • Providing part-time positions or modified work-schedules when possible;
  • Reassigning employees to vacant positions when qualified.
  • Providing interpreters, readers, or similar assistance.

When and How to Request Accommodations for Disabled Employees

If you require workplace accommodations due to a medical disability, you simply need ask your employer. The request does not have to be in writing, although having documentation of your request can not hurt. It is not necessary to disclose your disability and ask for modifications during the hiring process. You may make your request at any time.

Documentation of Your Disability

Employers do have the right to request documentation for a disability that is not obvious. Be advised, however, that your employer is not entitled to your entire set of medical records. Just the documentation necessary to establish the need for reasonable accommodations must be provided.  Employers should be specific in their requests for information related to functional limitations and the types of accommodations that may be necessary. Employers may sometimes ask an employee with disabilities to provide a limited release of their medical information. Appropriate professionals who might provide information may include doctors and nurses, mental health professionals, occupational therapists, and other authorities on your medical condition. [Read more…]

Can My Facebook Page Impact My Employment?

FacebookYou have a Facebook account; practically everyone does. Can it be a problem for you when it comes to seeking a job? The short answer is yes.

Employers Take a Peek

The fact of the matter is, 60% of 5,000 surveyed employers confess to using sites on social media to find out about potential employees. That number has increased by 500% in the past 10 years. Here is something worth noting: Nearly half of those employers report finding something on a social media site that made them hesitant to hire a job candidate. Do we have your attention yet?

Dangerous Facebook Posts

What kinds of Facebook or online posts could be detrimental to your employment opportunities? We recommend avoiding certain posts, such as:

  • Sexually provocative photos, videos, or stories;
  • Pictures, video, and comments related to drinking and/or drug use;
  • Posts displaying discriminatory attitudes;
  • Profanity;
  • Gun references;
  • Inflammatory comments about previous employers/coworkers;
  • Communication skills that indicate poor grammar, spelling, etc.

Turning Facebook Lemons into Lemonade

We know there is a good chance that your potential employer is going to look at your Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or other social media page. In fact, 41% of employers report that they may not even interview candidates if they can not find information about them on Facebook or elsewhere online. What now? Seize the opportunity! This is your chance to make a great impression! Instead of causing your potential employer to scratch his or her head in wonder while viewing your online presence, let him or her see all the ways you stand head and shoulders above the crowd. What might your posts include?

  • Pictures showing you engaged in volunteer work;
  • Posts revealing your positive outlook and professional stature;
  • Engagement in hobbies that stretch your skills and determination;
  • Information displaying your travel and global interests;
  • Posts showing smooth, clean communication skills;
  • Comments from others indicating what a stand-up character you are.

Remember, employers are looking for someone who is not only qualified for the job; they also want someone who is a good cultural fit. Additionally, many employers are looking for creative, engaging people for their companies.

When it Becomes a Legal Issue

All of this is completely legal, although some potential employers may cross a line that could leave them vulnerable to legal action. You may have legitimate concerns if you are asked to share your password, or if you get the impression that you have been singled out when it comes to the viewing of social media.  

Think Before You Post on Facebook

In this day and age, every single thing you post on social media is fair game. So, think. Be smart about it. If you have concerns about your employment in Sonoma County, Mendocino County or Lake County California being impacted by social media and would like our legal team to take a look at your situation, contact us at Beck Law P.C., in Santa Rosa.

Wells Fargo Ethical Issues Lead to Class Action Suit

Wells Fargo5,300 Wells Fargo employees were forced to resign or were fired amid a huge scandal involving hundreds of thousands of customers and millions of dollars. Meanwhile, a handful of employees filed a class action suit on behalf of thousands of employees against Wells Fargo because they had been demoted or even fired for refusing to participate in the bank’s deceptive practices.

The Wells Fargo Scandal and its Impact on Employees

Wells Fargo had a brilliant but highly illegal scheme to bolster its stock price. They used customers’ personal information gleaned from legitimate accounts to create false ones, unbeknownst to the customers. Suddenly Wells Fargo customers who had signed up for savings accounts found themselves paying fees for checking accounts they had never requested or authorized.  Wells Fargo customers were not the only victims here.

When employees refused to participate in the plot, or when they phoned into the ethics hotline to report the fraudulent actions, they claim they lost their jobs as a result.

Wells Fargo, on the other hand, asserts that no one was fired unless they were not meeting clear company goals. The bank claims to endeavor to create a culture of serving customers with stellar ethics and integrity.

Irrespective of Wells Fargo’s assertions, the class action suit alleges a number of legal violations, including Dodd-Frank and whistleblower protections afforded through Sarbanes-Oxley. Beyond the problems related to the fraud, the suit claims overtime intrusions in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Real People at Wells Fargo Who Were Hurt

Bill Bado is just one of the many employees whose career was destroyed by the fraudulent plan.  Bill refused to create phony pin numbers, fake accounts, and sham email accounts. He took matters a few steps further and called the ethics hotline. Then Bill emailed human resources to report the illegal and unethical practices going on all around him and that he was being ordered to carry out, as well. A short eight days later, Wells Fargo to respond with his untimely termination.  The reason given for the firing was tardiness.

Testimony before a Congressional committee suggests that Wells Fargo had methods to systematically get rid of whistleblowers and avoid accusations of retaliation. One such strategy involved the simple, yet effective practice of closely monitoring employees who had reported problems in the sales department. After looking closely enough, employees would inevitably be spotted with a fireable flaw, such as tardiness.

Heather Brock, a senior banker with Wells Fargo, experienced bullying, defamation of character, and false accusations before being fired from her post. Her belief is that the termination was a result of her complaints to the ethics line about illegal practices. [Read more…]

Unsafe Work Environment and California Law

unsafe work environmentUnsafe work environment and employer responsibility.Everyone deserves a safe working environment, but what if your employer fails to implement common sense procedures, training, and equipment in order to keep workers safe and productive? If you are injured due to employer negligence, you may be entitled to more than just workers’ compensation. Your employer may be on the hook for compensatory and even punitive damages. An experienced employment law attorney can help.

Facts About an Unsafe Work Environment and Workplace Injuries

The truth is, workplace injuries are an epidemic, with nearly 4 ½ million occurring in this country every year, not counting the fatal injuries. These unsafe work environment accidents cost billions annually in medical and insurance costs, not to mention lost wages, interruptions in production, and other costs.

Unsafe Work Environment and Employer Responsibilities

Workplace safety is no minor responsibility. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) details specific practices and procedures that employers must follow. Among the requirements are:

  • Provide a hazard-free workplace that is in compliance with OSHA standards;
  • Regularly conduct inspections to determine workplace complies with OSHA safety standards;
  • Ensure that employees use properly maintained equipment and tools;
  • Warn of potential hazards with posters, labels and/or color coding, and make sure employees are aware of health/safety rules;
  • Regularly update and communicate operating procedures related to safety issues;
  • Provide safety training in a language understood by employees;
  • Implement a written program to communicate information relating to hazardous chemicals and train employees in intervention methods;
  • Post employee safety rights and responsibilities;
  • Maintain accurate illness and injury reports;

Employee Rights When There is an Unsafe Work Environment

When an employee believes that the working environment is dangerous, the National Labor Relations Board (NRLB) protects that employee’s right to refuse to work. This applies to all workers, whether or not they are union members.

Unsafe Work Environment and Employer Penalties

State and federal governments intently regulate safety practices, and violations can result in serious and expensive consequences:

  • When a GM plant in New York experienced multiple violations, including blocked exit routes, improper protective equipment, and inadequate guards around moving machinery parts, they were fined $160,000;
  • A Weyerhauser plant in West Virginia under reported injuries and illnesses, they were fined $77,000 and audited for 9 months;
  • Fru-Con Construction Corp failed to properly secure a launching truss, they were fined $280,000.
When Can You Sue for a Workplace Injury?

If your employer knowingly facilitated a hazardous workplace, you may be able to seek damages through the courts. Because you have legitimate expectation to a safe working environment, egregious or intentional conduct that leads to injury may be compensable. Additionally, if your injury was the result of defective equipment or other products, the manufacturer may be liable for damages. [Read more…]


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