Overtime violations are a common occurrence for Santa Rosa California employees. Employers are required to pay Petaluma California employees overtime pay at a rate of 1.5 times the employee’s normal hourly rate for any time worked beyond eight hours in a single day and anytime a Ukiah employee works more than forty hours in a given week. For example, if a Sonoma County employee works 9.5 hours in a day, they are owed 1.5 hours of overtime. Similarly, if a Mendocino County employee works eight hours per day Monday through Friday and then works five hours on Saturday, that employee must be paid overtime for the five hours worked. Further, employers must pay double overtime (called as such because the employee must pay two times the employee’s normal hourly wage for any hours worked beyond twelve hours in one day, or for any work completed on the eighth day of working in a row. Lake County California overtime violations include unpaid overtime for working extra hours, for work performed “off the clock”, and not being given or compensated for meal breaks.
Do you know how to determine if your employer owes you for unpaid overtime? First, you must determine if you are eligible for overtime pay, or whether you are considered an exempt employee. There are many factors that come in to play when determining whether an employee is exempt vs. non- exempt. However in general, an exempt employee must meet minimum income earnings criteria, have autonomy and/ or managerial responsibilities, and be compensated based on work performed, rather than time, to be conserved a non-exempt employee. Some employers purposefully attempt to misclassify their employees as “exempt” in an effort to avoid having to pay overtime to their employees.
If you work in Santa Rosa, Petaluma, Ukiah, or anywhere in Sonoma County, Mendocino County or Lake County California and you feel that you are owed overtime pay, you may qualify for damages or remedies that may be awarded in a possible unpaid overtime class action or lawsuit, or a complaint filed with an administrative agency, the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (generally referred to as “the labor board”). Please contact a wage and hour law attorney at Beck Law P.C. to discuss your legal rights to enable you to recover the overtime wages you are duly owed.